Thursday, December 31, 2009

Spry Gum Spry Xylitol Gum?

Spry Xylitol Gum? - spry gum

For or against?


Advantages and disadvantages?

Where you ask yourself: This is a paste made from a dental society, which contains sugar and xylitol. He said it is an advantage and Dental Defense.

Doctors in other countries, it is recommended that Spry products that I found (not Yahoo! A). A grocery store in the vicinity of some of the things) is included in the price (Spry gum. Since my mother is diabetic and that both Astmatics, I thought to ask. Currently disadvantages using cough drops, but sometimes it contains no sugar, because the taste is not available or is very limited.


triple k's said...

Products resulting from xylitol are amazing! Not only good for the teeth, but there are numerous studies that xylitol to other medical problems like chronic sinus infections to help. I work for a dentist, and to promote a similar product called Epic. You can buy their site and. You should try it, I think you and your mother could benefit from it.

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